LeoPhi A USB Enabled pH Sensor Interphase on an Arduino Leonardo - Labratsgonewild

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

LeoPhi A USB Enabled pH Sensor Interphase on an Arduino Leonardo

Want pH sensing on your project? Check this pH sensor interphase from sparky's widget. It can work with a computer through USB and by itself (stand alone).

It's built on an Atmega32u4 with a modified Arduino Leonardo (thus the leo in the name?) bootloader. Environmental parameters are gathered through a pH sensor, an LM335A temperature sensor and an analog humidity sensor. The analog signal from the pH sensor goes through an offset introducing fixed gain op-amp circuit that centers the signal into the range of the Atmega32u4's Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) Pins. The parameters are then printed out into a four liner Liquid crystal display (LCD).

This project also has calibration routine and when used with a computer you can send commands to set the LeoPhi into specific modes. Click on the read more below to see the command list.

  • C – Continous Read Mode: Dump readings and data every second

  • R – Single pH reading: response “pH: XX.XX” where XX.XX is the pH

  • E – Exit continuous read mode

  • S – set pH7 Calibration point

  • F – set pH4 Calibration point: also recalcs probe slope and saves settings to EEPROM

  • T – set pH10 Calibration point: also recalcs probe slope and saves settings to EEPROM

  • X – restore settings to default and ideal probe conditions


  1. Luis Felipe SkinnerAugust 13, 2013 at 4:24 PM

    Nice project! I'm trying to develop this kind of tool to use on my research on marine environmental monitoring. If I undesrstand correctlly, your LeoPhi could save data in a internal memory, its correct ? It could work using other arduino like UNO ? It could be placed inside a floating buoy to analyse sea-water pH, temperature and maybe, salinity ? Congrats!

  2. Hi Luis! The LeoPhi is not my project - the credits should go to the owner (the person on the link) :)

    And Yes you can use an arduino like the Uno, you will need to change a bit of the code to handle USB to serial and stuff for communication though, The LeoPhi saves data into the internal EEPROM of the AtMega32u4, if you want bigger memory you can always use an SD card.

    Your idea about the bouy is great! Also attach a GPS module and a pressure sensor so that you can monitor if there is a low pressure region (if you have like a mesh of these). cheers!
